Monday, December 27, 2021

What are these parameters in FindSet([Boolean] [, Boolean]))?

Hello All, 
Long time no see, huh? Sorry that it took me so long to write another blog, but here I am now with the solutions to your problems. Just kidding :p 

Also, comments like these inspire me. Thank you so much, means a lot! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Track Objects using Permission Set

Hi All, 

I hope you are doing well. Today I have a very interesting blog for you all. 

We often want to know which objects a particular process is using and do not want to go into the detailed code or debugging. For that, we can use Permission sets. Let's see how we can do that:

Considering the most famous, our own Sales Post process. I want to know what all objects are used for this process. 

The steps are as follows:

Monday, May 31, 2021

Dictionary Datatype in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Hi All, 

I hope you'll are doing well. 

Business Central has been adapting a lot from Object Oriented Language and moving closer to most of the functions and features. Dictionary is one of those and is a very useful data type. 

Lets go into details and understand it. I’ll try to put it as simply as possible :)

What is a Dictionary?

It is a collection of (key,value) pair. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Return a List variable by Pass By Reference in Business Central

 Hi All, 

I hope you are doing well. It's feels like forever since I wrote a blog! Although, here I am with an another one. :)

We have always been talking about a different way of passing a value - Pass by reference but how do we use it in AL and for what kind of variables, well let's find out!

Business Central is extending in terms of types of datatypes and objects and sky is the limit. 

Let's talk about a Datatype 'List' which gives you more flexibly and functions than an array. Now, what if you want to return the List?