Thursday, March 2, 2023

Business Central Update - Inherent Permissions

Hello Everyone, 

Let's say a user wants to run a certain process and in ideal cases, that user should have the permissions which you can assign by adding a user to the User Group. This sometimes leads to a lot of Permission errors and granting unnecessary permissions. 

Let's take an example:

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Is ChartGPT useful for AL Programming? Lets find out!

 Hello All, 

There is no surprise that ChartGPT is everywhere. So, I wanted to try a few things w.r.t Business Central on how accurate and efficient it is. 

We all are aware of how specific the customizations are in BC and it is extremely hard to find solutions on MS Docs, youtube, or over the internet. Dynamics Forums are our go-to things for these, but it is definitely tough to get coding solutions, that too on time. 

I was amazed to see how the results came out, maybe not always be an optimal solution, but the way it handles your specific requirements and brings you a solution. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Do not have a work account to subscribe to Microsoft Dynamics 365 trail? Here is the solution!

Hi All, 

Happy new year, all! :)

Has this also been a constant struggle for you that you want to use Microsoft Dynamics 365 trial for which you do not want to use your personal account but at the same time it does not allow you to use your personal account. 

Microsoft has a special feature for Developers so that we can learn and work on our Personal Projects. :D

It is called Microsoft 365 developer subscription. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Validate User input data using Regular Expressions in Business Central using AL

 Hi Reader, 

Data is a crucial part of a Database and should be stored correctly and in the right format. But how do you make sure that users will not make any manual errors for the new customized fields? For example, if an E-mail is to be sent, the E-mail entered by the user should be in the right forward or valid so that emails are sent correctly. 

For scenarios like these, regular expression comes handly. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Automated testing for Customizations in Business Central

Hi All, 

Long blogs are something I do not write that often; but stay with me, it is going to be worth it! ;)

Microsoft provides a Test Toolkit with Business Central that allows you to manage and run automated tests. You can find the toolkit on the DVD in the applications\TestFramework folder.

Note: Added as an extension by Microsoft for new versions. To be able to use this toolkit, add that as a dependency in app.json

Once the Test Tool is installed, you can run the standard tests (if they were installed). Search for AL Test Tool using Search/Tell Me.