Monday, July 6, 2020

[Resolution] Unable to Download Symbols in Visual Studio Code for AL Extension

Hi Readers,

While getting started with AL and creating your first Workspace you might have come across with this error at least once, as you can see in the image below.


There are 3 points mentioned which can help you resolve this error:

1.       The correct server name and instance are specified in the launch.json file.

While you are creating the Workspace, it is provided that you select proper Environment and login with valid and correct credentials. See to it that you have selected proper email id and password.

2.       The correct application version is specified in the app.json file.

It is recommended that you select the latest version of Business Central because there are new features and enhancements added during the Updates.

3.       The dependencies are correctly specified in the app.json file.

The dependencies have appId which is used to publish your extension, it is automatically created while you create a Workspace.

Now, you will say that after all the 3 points being correct, you still come across this error and after checking your files again and again and entering your credentials, you come across the same error and are unable to download symbols no matter what you do. Frustrating, isn’t it?

To resolve this issue, you have to see to it that you have proper Permissions. User Groups and Permission Sets play a huge role when it comes to accessibility. What you have to do is, give this User SUPER Permission. Why is that? Since SUPER is a role that has all the Permissions and can access all tables, its data and other Objects. For us to Download Symbols which means have the dlls, we need the SUPER rights.

PowerShell Command:

New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet [-Scope <PermissionScope>] [-AppName <String>] [-CompanyName <String>] -PermissionSetId <String> [-Force]

Another way is, ask the Admin to give you SUPER Permission for the existing environment.

(Note: When you are the new User who has created this Sandbox, you will hardly face this issue if the mentioned 3 points are correct. But when you are not the admin or the mail User, it is highly likely that you will face this issue even after all the 3 Points are correct)

Once you have assigned SUPER Permission, download the symbols again and you are good to go!


Note: Make sure that you have a Valid Licence for No. of Users, because even if you assign SUPER to User, but your Licence doesn’t give you access, you will get Execution Permission Conflict. If there is Conflict, your Extension will not be published, as well.


I hope this blog was helpful and will help you solve this problem. Keep the mentioned points in mind, and the Symbols will be downloaded successfully. Ta-Da!! Your Workspace is ready to use. 

You can also email me at

Also, visit my website JONAV if you need help with any NAV/BC Services!

Thank you! 

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